We are Team Blighty that is Handmade in Blighty and Blighty Bushcraft. Both of which aim to provide high quality products and services to our customers. You can see our website for more information. This blog is about sharing our ideas, hints and tips so you can, hopefully learn from and take on board some of our suggestions.
We would love for you and your family to spend more time outdoors, get away from the smartphone and the Xbox, Facebook and the like. We know it sounds tough to those who are indoor types but trust us when we say there is nothing better than getting that fresh air outside (ideally in a woodland setting but anywhere will be great).
First things first, let's not get hung up by the weather. There's no such thing as poor weather but just poor clothing for the weather conditions. If you're new to this drop us an email and we can recommend suitable outdoor clothing/footwear.
Refreshments for your adventure are a must, especially if you have littlies in tow as any stretch of the legs (especially if they're not used to it) might require a little incentive or two along the way. We pack fruit and the odd sweet treat in our rucksack. The essential refreshment is of course water. Bring this pure, as mother nature intended so you can use it if a first aid situation arises. Hopefully not though so you can also bring some squash or the like if required.
Next thing to think about is where you may want to go on your adventure. Best advice is include your little gang in the planning. Perhaps start small with a local walk where you don't need to drive anywhere or do a bit of research and find out nice local spots that aren't too far away. If you involve your children from the start then they (should) be excited and feel part of the adventure and won't feel like they are being dragged along the walk.
The first mini adventure we would urge you to try is 'blackberrying'. This age old pastime has started to dwindle yet it's a great way for family and friends to get together and gather delicious local ingredients. Look for bushes that have not been sprayed or are too close to the road. Only pick blackberries that are at least 1 metre from the ground. Remember to bring some bags or a basket for collecting your bounty.
In our experience this gathering around bramble bushes demands that you slow down as any quick moves may lead to squashed fruit, scratched arms or stung fingers. Nettles and brambles enjoy each others company so they're normally partnered up. Please be mindful with your picking so you don't take more than you need.
Whilst you are forgetting about the day job, not looking at your smartphone and letting daily stresses go away, take a moment to listen to your surroundings, the bird song, the nattering of your family. It's an easy first mini adventure. When you get home you can make a British favourite pudding of apple and blackberry crumble or you can save your berries for a tipple such as blackberry whiskey or vodka. The berries can be frozen straight away and will keep well in the freezer until you're ready to create.
Happy picking.
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